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Ukraine to order 750 locally-made armored vehicles.

| 2023

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is preparing to place an order for the production of 750 locally manufactured armored combat vehicles. Lieutenant General Ivan Havrylyuk, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, revealed that these armored vehicles would come in various types. He stated, "We plan to order more than 750 armored combat vehicles of different types from domestic manufacturers."
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BTR-4E is an armored personnel carrier designed in Ukraine (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Ukraine is gearing up to bolster its armored forces with the arrival of 750 indigenous vehicles. Additionally, there are plans to significantly increase the production of mortar mines and commence artillery shell production. Currently, domestic manufacturers only partially meet the army's needs, and Ukraine still relies heavily on international assistance to equip its military. The future of this aid is currently under discussion in the United States, as there are ongoing talks to allocate a $60 billion package to Ukraine. If this aid were to be denied by the United States, the announcement of the production of 750 vehicles would be a consolation, but still a welcome piece of news.

There has been a prolonged lack of funds for state orders in Ukraine, which has hindered some companies from quickly setting up mass production. However, the President has tasked these companies with maximizing their capacity and expanding production.

The Deputy Minister of Defense did not disclose which Ukrainian defense industry companies would receive the orders. Nevertheless, Lieutenant General Havrylyuk noted that the Ukrainian armored personnel carrier BTR-4E would find its place in the global arms market after the war.

Before the large-scale invasion, the state enterprise "Kharkiv Machine Design Bureau" was involved in the production of these armored vehicles. Furthermore, the "Zhytomyr Armored Tank Plant" was engaged in the manufacturing of armored hulls for the BTR-4E.

The BTR-4E is an armored personnel carrier designed in Ukraine and used by several countries, including Ukraine, Iraq, and Nigeria. This vehicle weighs 22,400 kg and can reach a maximum speed of 110 km/h, providing remarkable mobility in the field. With a range of 700 km, it is suitable for long-distance missions.

In terms of armament, the BTR-4E is equipped with a 30mm automatic cannon, a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun, a 30mm automatic grenade launcher, and two launchers for guided anti-tank missiles, giving it considerable firepower for a variety of combat scenarios.

Regarding protection, the vehicle offers standard resistance against small arms fire and artillery shell fragments. It also features slat armor and additional armor kits for enhanced protection against 30mm caliber weapons.

The BTR-4E can carry a crew of three plus seven passengers. Its dimensions are 7.87 meters in length, 2.96 meters in width, and 3.05 meters in height, allowing it to transport troops and equipment.

It is also equipped with various accessories to enhance its performance and crew safety, such as heating, night vision systems, an automatic fire suppression system, a central tire inflation system, a winch with a maximum capacity of 9 tons, and NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) protection systems, ensuring its functionality in various challenging environments.

It's worth noting that many companies in Ukraine are currently involved in the design and production of various armored vehicles. In September, it was reported that the "Ukrainian Armored Vehicles" company and "AutoKrAZ" would jointly implement armored vehicle production projects. Additionally, the scientific and production association "Praktika" is developing a medical evacuation vehicle for the Ukrainian military.


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