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Army News

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Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meet with visiting Commander-in-chief of Columbia's Armed Fo

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Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meet with visiting Commander-in-chief of Col...

The Nigeria military has deployed more troops and amoured vehicles to contain the ongoing civil unre

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The Nigeria military has deployed more troops and amoured vehicles to contain the on...

During the last year the military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received from Kharkiv 56 Bulat

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During the last year the military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received from ...

With deployment abroad and the continuous fight against terrorism, the German Bundeswehr faces great

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With deployment abroad and the continuous fight against terrorism, the German Bundes...

Informations actualites armees militaires industries de defense decembre 2008 vehicules blindes equi

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 Actualités mondiales armée - sociétés défense ...

societe defense Krauss-Maffei Wegmann a commence la livraison de sept stations armes flw 100

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La société allemande de defense Krauss-Maffei Wegmann a commencé ...

armee et la force navale americaine ont selectionne trois equipes pour continuer le programme JLTV

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L’armée et la force navale américaine ont sélectionné trois ...

armee allemande a fait gagne un contrat a Rheinmetall pour la mise a niveau de 21 fuchs 1a8

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L’armée allemande a fait gagné un contrat à la société ...

BAE Systems avec la societe Navistar Defence a gagne un contrat de 40 millions de dollars

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BAE Systems en partenariat avec la société Navistar Defence a gagn&eac...

Le Ministere de la defense Suedois appel offre pour vehicule blinde a roues

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Le Ministère de la défense Suédoise fait savoir qu’il a l...

Les Etats Unis ont donne 52 véhicules legers à roues Humvee pour armee bulgare

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Les Etats Unis ont donné 52 véhicules légers à roues Hum...

La Republique Democratique du Congo ne doit pas devenir un nouveau Rwanda avertit la Grande-Bretagne

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La République Démocratique du Congo ne doit pas devenir un nouveau Rwa...

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has carried out the first partial delivery of seven light FLW 100 remote

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Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has carried out the first partial delivery of seven light ...

Three teams selected to continue development on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme. T

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Three teams selected to continue development on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JL...

The Bundeswehr has already contracted with Rheinmetall to upgrade 21 of its vehicles to the 1A8 vers

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The Bundeswehr has already contracted with Rheinmetall to upgrade 21 of its vehicles...

BAE Systems, through its Ground Systems line of business, and teammate Navistar Defense, LLC have be

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BAE Systems, through its Ground Systems line of business, and teammate Navistar Defe...

Swedish Ministry of Defence would like to inform about its intention to initiate a procurement regar

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Swedish Ministry of Defence would like to inform about its intention to initiate a p...
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