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China’s fighter jet FC-31 to be deployed on its future aircraft carriers.

| 2019

To respond to the US-made fourth generation fighter jets F-35B and F-35C, capable of operating from aircraft carriers, China has decided to upgrade its Shenyang FC-31 medium-sized fighter jets to operate from aircraft carriers too.

Chinas fighter jet FC 31 to be deployed on future aircraft carriers 905 001 FC-31 at Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai (Picture source : Navy Recognition)

China’s third aircraft carrier that is under construction, expected to be armed with an electromagnetic catapult, is also expected to use stealth fighter jets. The observers say that these jets may certainly be a modified version of the FC-31.

The FC-31, first presented at Airshow China 2014, will be adapted to be used on the future brand new Chinese aircraft carriers. It will be a single-seat, twin-engine, radar-evading jet. And it will be equipped to be able to operate against naval targets and to monitor humidity.

This fourth generation fighter jet will expand Chinese aircraft carrier battle groups’ capabilities permitting China to reduce its disadvantage against the U.S. Navy.

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