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Russian Navy Project 21631 Buyan-M class missile corvette Ingushetia has completed state trials.

| 2019

The Project 21631 Buyan-M class missile corvette Ingushetia of Russian Navy has successfully completed its state trials, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said, on December 25, 2019.

Russian Navy Project 21631 Buyan M class missile corvette Ingushetia has completed state trials 925 001Project 21631 Buyan-M class missile corvette Ingushetia of Russian Navy. (Picture source Russian MoD)

"During the state trials in the Black Sea, the sailors fired shipborne artillery systems against seaborne, aerial ant coastal targets and test-fired a mockup of the Kalibr [NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler] missile," the press office said.

"No failures in the operation of the shipborne weapons were revealed during the trials," the press office added.

Work was carried out to check the operation of the powerplant, steering gear, auxiliary mechanisms, communication and navigation means and other shipborne systems, as well as seaworthiness, controllability, stability and stopping capabilities in various modes.

All systems, mechanisms and weapons proved their inherent capabilities. The flag-raising ceremony is scheduled for late December. Then, the ship will join the Black Sea Fleet.

The Buyan class, Russian designations Project 21630 Buyan and Project 21631 Buyan-M, are series of corvettes (small artillery and missile ships in Russian classification) developed by Zelenodolsk Design Bureau for the Russian Navy.

The 900-ton class Project 21631 Buyan-M is a stretched version of the 500-ton Buyan class gunboat. The Buyan-M features a larger and more sophisticated weapons payload including state-of-the-art missile systems. The 74-meter longship is intended to perform anti-surface warfare (ASuW) combat missions with secondary air defense capability thanks to four Igla-1M surface-to-air missiles (SAM).

The Buyan-M weapon system consists of a single A-190 100mm cannon, two AK-630M anti-aircraft guns, eight Club-S Kalibr anti-ship missiles, and four Igla-1M SAMs mounted on a 3M47 Gibka launcher. Besides, these vessels are equipped with a variety of 14.5mm and 7.62mm machine guns.

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