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Naval news retrospective: most consulted news of 2019.

| 2019

In order to finish 2019 on a high note, Navy Recognition offers you a retrospective of the ten's more consulted news on its website. It is also a good opportunity to thank you for your faithful support in all instances. Navy Recognition editorial team will continue to draw your attention on the latest news and will do its best to provide you interesting and qualitative content in 2020.

Spain to start the building of its new F 110 frigates this year 925 001 (Picture source: Spanish Defense Ministry)

The Spanish MoD has confirmed that five new frigates are to be built this year by Spanish shipbuilder Navantia, for an amount of € 4 billion (about $US 5 billion). As a reminder, this contract had been awarded to Navantia in 2018.

The first of these five vessels is expected to be delivered by 2025, while the last one is scheduled to be delivered by 2030/2031.

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China to sell an aircraft carrier to Pakistan 925 001 An aircraft carrier fleet of the Chinese PLA Navy arrives in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on July 7 for a visit to mark the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. The fleet comprises the country's first aircraft carrier Liaoning, two destroyers and a frigate. The fleet will leave Hong Kong on July 11 (Picture source: PLA HK Garrison)

China, as part of its recent military and foreign policies, has planned to upgrade on a large scale its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, to sell it to Pakistan, its ally, in order to compete with India. This selling is to increase Pakistani Navy's strength, facing India equally and making of Pak a better ally for China.

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US Navy to accelerate the development of its fleet of UUVs 925 001 The Boeing-built Echo Voyager on which the design of the XLUUV will be based (Picture source: Boeing)

The US Navy, through the past few years, has shown an increasing interest in the development of an unmanned underwater fleet. Among such unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), the Navy has tasked several companies for the designing and the development of two large UUVs, the Orca XLUUV and the LDUUV.

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Russia laid down two Gorshkov class frigates of Project 22350 925 001 Project 22350 lead frigate Admiral Gorshkov in St. Petersburg in October 2016 (Picture source: TASS)

Russia`s naval shipbuilding industry has laid down several surfaced combatants (including Project 22350 Gorshkov-class frigates), launched a submarine, and linked the sections of a Corvette, according to the country`s officials.

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Taiwan upgrades its Hsiung Feng 3 anti ship missiles 925 001 On top, the Hsiung Feng-3 and below, the Hsiung Feng-2, at Navdex 2017 in the United Arab Emirates (Picture source: Navy Recognition)

Taiwan has launched a Hsiung Feng-3 (HF-3) anti-ship missile from a brand new Tuo Chiang stealth corvette. This version of the ship-launched Hsiung Feng-3 has an improved survivability, range and payload capacity.

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US Navy to arm its destroyers with HELIOS Laser Weapons by 2021 925 001 An artist rendering of the HELIOS system (Picture source: Lockheed Martin)

Recently, the U.S. Navy has shown an increased interest for the development of Laser Weapon Systems and now intends to mount such systems aboard guided-missile destroyers. The U.S. Navy has indeed awarded Lockheed Martin a $US 150 million contract in January for the procurement of two High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS) systems.

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HELRAS dipping sonar completed sea test onboard Seagull USV 925 001 Dipping sonar operated from a USV (Picture source: Elbit Systems)

In a Sea Acceptance Test (SAT) performed by the Israeli Navy, a Helicopter Long-Range Active Sonar (HELRAS) dipping sonar was successfully converted for operation onboard the Seagull, Elbit Systems’ Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV).

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The Russian Navy has to strengthen its forces 925 001 Some Russian vessels near to Syria (Picture source: AsiaNews)

The Russian Navy has to engage in a broad range of missions which determine its strength and composition. The Military-Industrial Courier advises which Navy Russia has to have due to the international situation and national development priorities. The Military-Industrial Courier has delivered what it seems to be the best distribution of the Russian ships among its different fleets.

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Raytheon awarded contract to upgrade ANAQS 20 mine hunting sonar for US Navy 925 001 The AN/AQS-20 advanced mine-hunting sonar has four separate sonars to detect and classify mine-like objects from the seafloor to the near-surface (Picture source: Raytheon)

Counter-mine experts at the Raytheon Company will overhaul, repair, and upgrade the U.S. Navy AN/AQS-20 towed mine-hunting sonar under terms of a $US 20 million order, the company announced on Friday, May 17, 2019.

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New USS South Dakota submarine to be commissioned on February 2 2019 925 001 USS Indiana SSN 789 (Picture source: US Navy)

The Navy’s newest fast-attack submarine, USS South Dakota (SSN 790) will be commissioned at naval submarine base New London in Connecticut, on February 2, 2019. It is the seventeenth Virginia-class submarine to join the US fleet.

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