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China Armed Forces plans more exercises around Taiwan in near future.

According to information published by CSIS on May 23, 2024, the latest Joint Sword-2024A military exercise conducted by China around Taiwan demonstrates Beijing's plan to regularly conduct large-scale military drills in the area, with an increased role for the China Coast Guard (CCG) in implementing blockades.
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China Coast Guard patrol vessel 14606 during the Joint Sword-2024A exercise. (Picture source: Chinese government)

China's recent military exercises around Taiwan, designated as "Joint Sword-2024A," represent a significant escalation in Beijing's strategic posture towards the island. These drills are not only a demonstration of military strength but also a multifaceted approach to exert pressure on Taiwan and signal Beijing's resolve to both domestic and international audiences.

The exercises involved a comprehensive deployment of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), including coordinated operations by the army, navy, air force, and rocket force. This integrated approach underscores the PLA's enhanced capability for joint operations, essential for modern warfare scenarios. The drills featured precision strikes and control exercises over key territories, reflecting China’s emphasis on rapid dominance and area denial capabilities. Such operations highlight China's preparedness for large-scale military engagements and its ability to impose a maritime blockade around Taiwan, should the need arise​.

Psychologically, these drills aim to pressure Taiwan's new administration under President William Lai Ching-te. By initiating these exercises immediately after Lai's inauguration, Beijing seeks to undermine his administration's resolve and demonstrate the potential consequences of policies favoring Taiwanese independence. This is further emphasized by the mock strikes on high-value targets and the involvement of fighter jets and naval vessels​​.

The strategic implications of these maneuvers extend beyond Taiwan, serving as a deterrent to external forces, particularly the United States. The exercises are a clear message to the international community about China's stance on Taiwan and its readiness to defend its territorial claims. The PLA’s capability to conduct large-scale, integrated operations is meant to dissuade any foreign military intervention in the region​​.

These drills have drawn significant international concern. The United States, among others, has called for restraint, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The potential for miscalculation and unintended escalation is high, given the scale and aggressive nature of the exercises. This increases the risk of incidents that could lead to broader conflict​​.

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