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Detailed overview of world's Top 14 countries with most advanced guided-missile destroyers 2024.

Guided-missile destroyers are essential components of modern naval forces, providing capabilities for air defense, surface warfare, and anti-submarine operations. As of 2024, the countries with the most guided-missile destroyers are a mix of traditional naval powers and emerging maritime nations. Here’s a look at the top 14 countries with the most guided-missile destroyers.
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United States: Arleigh Burke-class

The Arleigh Burke-class destroyers serve multiple roles including anti-air, anti-submarine, and anti-surface warfare. These ships are powered by four General Electric LM2500 gas turbines and can achieve speeds in excess of 30 knots. The primary weapon system is the Aegis Combat System, integrated with AN/SPY-1D(V) radar for simultaneous tracking of hundreds of targets. The Mk 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) enables the launch of a variety of missiles, including Tomahawk land-attack missiles, SM-2/3/6 surface-to-air missiles, and RUM-139 ASROC anti-submarine rockets. They also feature the Phalanx CIWS for close-in defense against air threats and Harpoon anti-ship missiles​​.

China: Type 052D and Type 055

The Type 052D destroyers, also known as the Luyang III class, are equipped with the HHQ-9 surface-to-air missiles, YJ-18 anti-ship missiles, and CJ-10 land-attack cruise missiles. The Type 055, a larger and more advanced class, features a dual-band radar system and extensive VLS cells capable of launching a wide array of missiles. These ships serve as command vessels in fleet operations and are designed for air defense, anti-surface warfare, and long-range strike missions​.

Japan: Kongo and Atago-class

The Kongo-class destroyers are based on the Arleigh Burke design and are equipped with the Aegis Combat System and AN/SPY-1 radar. They carry SM-2 surface-to-air missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and RUM-139 ASROC for anti-submarine warfare. The Atago-class, an improved version, features enhanced stealth capabilities, a larger flight deck, and is equipped with the SM-3 missile for ballistic missile defense​.

Russia: Sovremenny-class

The Sovremenny-class destroyers are primarily designed for surface warfare, equipped with eight SS-N-22 Sunburn supersonic anti-ship missiles, 48 SA-N-7 Gadfly surface-to-air missiles, and twin AK-130 130mm guns. These ships also carry RBU-1000 anti-submarine rocket launchers and torpedoes. The MR-710 Fregat radar system provides air and surface search capabilities.

South Korea: Sejong the Great-class

The Sejong the Great-class destroyers are among the most heavily armed destroyers globally, featuring the Aegis Combat System and AN/SPY-1D(V) radar. They carry 128 VLS cells loaded with SM-2, SM-3, and Hyunmoo-3 cruise missiles for land attack, Haeseong anti-ship missiles, and K-ASROC for anti-submarine warfare. The class is designed for air defense, ballistic missile defense, surface strike, and anti-submarine operations​.

India: Kolkata-class and Visakhapatnam-class

The Kolkata-class destroyers (P-15A) and Visakhapatnam-class destroyers (P-15B) incorporate stealth features, including reduced radar cross-section and infrared signatures. They are armed with BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, Barak-8 surface-to-air missiles, and advanced anti-submarine warfare capabilities, including torpedoes and rocket launchers. The ships are equipped with the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar, capable of detecting and tracking multiple targets.

United Kingdom: Type 45 (Daring-class)

The Type 45 destroyers are primarily designed for air defense, equipped with the PAAMS (Sea Viper) system, which includes Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles. The SAMPSON radar provides advanced tracking and engagement capabilities, complemented by the S1850M long-range radar. These ships also carry Harpoon anti-ship missiles and torpedoes for multi-role capabilities. The Type 45s are integral to the Royal Navy’s carrier strike groups, providing air defense and fleet protection​​.

France: Horizon-class

The Horizon-class destroyers, developed jointly with Italy, are equipped with the PAAMS air-defense system, Aster 15/30 missiles, and the EMPAR radar. These ships also carry Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. They are designed for air defense, anti-surface warfare, and anti-submarine operations.

Italy: Horizon-class

Similar to the French Horizon-class, the Italian version features PAAMS, Aster missiles, EMPAR, and S1850M radars. These ships are equipped with Otomat Mk 2 anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. They are capable of engaging multiple threats simultaneously and providing anti-submarine warfare capabilities​​.

Australia: Hobart-class

The Hobart-class destroyers, based on the Spanish Álvaro de Bazán-class design, are equipped with the Aegis Combat System and AN/SPY-1D(V) radar. They carry SM-2 surface-to-air missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and Mk 41 VLS for launching various missiles. These ships provide air defense, surface warfare, and anti-submarine capabilities.

Taiwan: Kee Lung-class

The Kee Lung-class destroyers, former U.S. Navy Kidd-class ships, are equipped with SM-2 surface-to-air missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and RUM-139 ASROC for anti-submarine warfare. The AN/SPY-1 radar and Mk 26 missile launch system provide defensive and offensive capabilities.

Argentina: Almirante Brown-class

The Almirante Brown-class destroyers, of German MEKO 360 design, are equipped with Exocet MM38 anti-ship missiles, Aspide surface-to-air missiles, and torpedoes. They feature the DA-08 air search radar and WM-25 fire control radar. These ships provide Argentina with surface warfare and air defense capabilities.

Mexico: Durango-class

The Durango-class destroyers are equipped with Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Standard missiles for air defense, and ASROC anti-submarine rockets. These ships play roles in coastal defense and anti-narcotics operations.

Pakistan: Tariq-class

The Tariq-class destroyers, formerly Royal Navy Type 21 frigates, have been upgraded with Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Sea Cat surface-to-air missiles, and torpedoes. They feature the Type 992Q air search radar and Type 994 navigation radar.

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