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Taiwan Navy relaunches frigate project to feature Lockheed Martin AN/SPY-7 radar.

According to information published by Taipei Times on May 27, 2024, the Taiwanese Navy has resumed efforts to develop a new 6,000-tonne guided missile frigate, equipped with a state-of-the-art US-made radar system. This initiative, which had previously been put on hold, has been revived.
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Artist rendering of a guided-missile frigate. (Picture source: CSBC Corporation)

Originally planned as a 4,500-tonne vessel with a passive radar system, the frigate's design has been significantly updated. It will now incorporate the AN/SPY-7 active phased array radar system from Lockheed Martin, reflecting modern trends in international shipbuilding. This change in radar technology necessitated a pause in the project, redirecting the budget towards the design of two different light frigates.

Despite the interruption, the project for the larger frigate was restarted in April last year, with plans to finalize the design by next year. The new guided missile frigate, along with the two lighter ships, will have complementary roles in the navy's operations. The light frigates, intended for air defense and anti-submarine missions, are scheduled for delivery in the third quarter of 2026.

The new frigate will also be equipped with domestically developed Huayang air defense missile vertical launch systems, tailored for Taiwan's Hai Kung III missiles. These missiles will enhance fleet air defenses and provide local missile interception capabilities.

Chang Cheng, the Director of the Taoyuan Department of Economic Development and former chief engineer on the Hsiung Feng III missile project, highlighted the technical parity of the AN/SPY-7 system with Raytheon's AN/SPY-6(V) radar system. Although the US Navy chose the Raytheon system, Lockheed Martin's radar was developed for export and has been adopted by several countries, including Spain, Canada, and Japan.

About the radar

The AN/SPY-7 is an advanced, modular, and scalable solid-state radar system developed by Lockheed Martin. Operating in the S-band, this radar uses gallium nitride (GaN) technology, enhancing its performance in detecting, tracking, and engaging multiple sophisticated threats simultaneously, including ballistic missiles and advanced air threats. The AN/SPY-7 is fully integrated with the Aegis Combat System, providing robust situational awareness and tactical surveillance for both land and sea-based platforms.

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