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Army News

Aaronia's CUAV system wins US$ 20 Mn order for Aartos drone detection system

| 2023
A substantial order for Aaronia's Aartos drone detection system takes center stage in the company's 2023 financial statements, reaffirming its stat...

South Korea deploys new Baekho 8X8 command post armored vehicles

| 2023
On 13 December 2023, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced the deployment of Baekho advanced command post vehicle to the ...

Swiss company GCS increases delivery of demining machines to Ukraine

| 2023
Global Clearance Solutions (GCS), a Swiss company, revealed its plan to intensify deliveries to Ukraine of its automated demining machines, aiming ...

Hanwha Aerospace's KM3 Rigs showcase full potential in Ribbon Bridge System Assembly

| 2023
In a video released by Hanwha Aerospace on December 11, 2023, South Korea masterfully implemented its latest KM3 Amphibious Rigs, demonstrating how...

Spain enhances anti-drone capabilities with second Crow System from Indra

| 2023
The Air Support Deployment Squadron (EADA) of the Spanish Air and Space Army has recently enhanced its capabilities by acquiring a second Crow anti...

Despite economic sanctions Russia capable of producing 100 - 150 tanks per month

| 2023
The Russian military industry has overcome economic and technological challenges to increase its tank production significantly. The country's defen...

US Company L3Harris technology provides Ukraine with enhanced air defense capabilities

| 2023
Since mid-2023, L3Harris Technologies has been instrumental in enhancing Ukraine's defense capabilities against hostile Unmanned Aerial Systems (UA...

More Australian troops to train Ukrainian recruits with Operation Kudu

| 2023
On December 14, 2023, the Australian Department of Defense stated that it would expand its commitment to the training of recruits from the Armed Fo...

Italy partners with Leonardo and KNDS to acquire 300 Leopard 2A8 tanks

| 2023
On December 13, 2023, Italian defense company Leonardo and Franco-German defense consortium KNDS (KMW and Nexter Defence Systems) finalized an agre...

Leonardo supported by Italy joins European tank project MGCS

| 2023
In a major development in the defense sector, particularly in the MGCS project, Leonardo has allied with KNDS (KMW+NEXTER Defense Systems). Support...

Raytheon's LTAMDS missile defense sensor achieves another milestone with second successful live-fire test

| 2023
Raytheon, a subsidiary of RTX, has successfully conducted another live-fire demonstration of its advanced Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor...

US confirms to provide Ukraine with more air defense missiles and anti-tank weapons

| 2023
On December 12, 2023, the United States Department of Defense (DoD), despite the opposition of the U.S. House of Representatives, announced a new t...

Integration of Thales Spy'Ranger drones and CAESAr self-propelled howitzers in French artillery prepardness

| 2023
In January 2023, the 68th Régiment d'Artillerie d'Afrique (68RAA) conducted operational preparation for its deployment to Romania as part of the Ai...

Norway Agrees to Provide Ukraine With Additional NASAMS Air Defense Missile Systems

| 2023
December 13, 2023 – Norway has announced plans to bolster Ukraine's air defense capabilities by providing additional NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Sur...

Lockheed Martin announces delivery of 800th THAAD interceptor missile system

| 2023
On December 7, 2023, Lockheed Martin announced the delivery of the 800th Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor to the US Missile ...

Iran conducts major military exercise on its western border

| 2023
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) recently conducted a training exercise in the western province of Kermanshah, Iran, specifically in th...

South Korea unveils ambitious $265 Bn Defense investment plan for next 5 years

| 2023
The South Korean Defense Ministry has unveiled a comprehensive five-year plan to enhance and bolster its defense capabilities in response to evolvi...

Norwegian Armed Forces receive 5 Leguan Leopard 2 bridge layer vehicles

| 2023
On December 4, 2023, Forsvarsmateriell (FMA), the Norwegian procurement authority, announced the delivery of five out of eight new Leguan Leopard 2...

Philippines Army launches tender to acquire new 7.62mm Marksman Rifles

| 2023
Philippine Army has initiated a tender for the procurement of 310 new 7.62mm Designated Marksman Rifles (DMRs). This initiative is part of a progra...

New contract signed strengthening Poland's air defense capabilities

| 2023
The PGZ-PILICA+ Consortium and the Armament Agency have signed another execution contract under the PILICA+ program. This agreement, signed on Dece...
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