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DSA 2024: Future Royal Malaysian Navy Multi-Role Support Ship.

The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) introduced a model of its upcoming Multi-Role Support Ship (MRSS) during the DSA 2024 exhibition.
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A model of the future Multi-Role Support Ship, or MRSS in Kuala Lumpur. (Picture source: Navy Recognition)

The MRSS is set to address a critical capability gap left by the loss of KD Sri Inderapura in 2009. The RMN, lacking dedicated amphibious transport assets, aims to strengthen its fleet with this procurement. The MRSS procurement aligns with the RMN's "15 to 5" initiative to streamline the fleet, consolidating 15 ship classes into five, thereby improving logistical efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.

The MRSS will play a crucial role in complementing other major assets, such as the Scorpène-class submarine, Maharaja Lela-class frigate, Kedah-class offshore patrol vessel, and Keris-class littoral mission ship.

The new MRSS model reflects an amphibious transport dock with a displacement ranging from 10,000 to 13,000 tons, measuring between 160 and 170 meters in length, and powered by a combined diesel and diesel (CODAD) propulsion system to reach speeds of 18 knots. Its aviation facilities will include an enclosed hangar and flight deck for multiple helicopters.

French defense contractor Naval Group proposed the downscaled Mistral 170 Landing Helicopter Dock, featuring a full-length flight deck and five helicopter landing spots.

China State Shipbuilding Corporation presented a downsized version of its Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock, while also proposing a modified Type 071 amphibious transport dock first revealed at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition in 2019.

From the Netherlands, Damen pitched its Enforcer 10000 Landing Platform Dock with an innovative design accommodating four helicopters and maximizing speed with two 8,000 kW engines.

Turkey's TAIS introduced an amphibious ship concept, boasting modern, stealth design and three helicopter landing spots. Indonesia’s PT PAL offered its Makassar Landing Platform Dock, which would be larger than similar vessels used by the Indonesian and Philippine navies, with plans for technology transfer to Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation (BHIC) if selected.

Japan’s Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding showcased a design capable of transporting 500 troops and launching multiple helicopters and landing craft.

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) of South Korea exhibited the HDL 13000 MRSS, which can carry over 16 main battle tanks and six armored vehicles while featuring a well deck and ample access points.

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