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Russian Navy Project 07452 spy ship Chusovoy arrives in Kronstadt.

According to information published by мы из кронштадта on May 26, 2024, the Project 07452 intelligence ship Chusovoy, part of the Northern Fleet, has entered the harbor of Kronstadt.
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Russian Project 07452 intelligence ship Chusovoy. (Picture source: мы из кронштадта)

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the activity of Russian Navy intelligence ships in the Atlantic has increased significantly. These ships have been actively involved in reconnaissance missions, closely monitored by NATO forces, particularly by the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force (RAF). In the North Atlantic, Russian intelligence ships, such as the Yantar, have been frequently observed. 

The Russian Navy's intelligence ships are critical components of its maritime surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. The Yury Ivanov-class ships, including the Yury Ivanov and Ivan Khurs, are equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems for intelligence gathering. The Yury Ivanov has been operational since 2014 with the Northern Fleet, undertaking significant missions in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

Vishnya-class ships, such as the Kareliya, specialize in signals intelligence (SIGINT) and communications intelligence (COMINT). These ships are active in regions like the Black Sea and near Japan, monitoring naval and aerial activities.

The Marshal Krylov, part of the Pacific Fleet, is used for measurement and control, having undergone modernization to support missile tests and other operations. Similarly, the large intelligence ships Belomorye and Pribaltika, from the Northern and Pacific Fleets, have been updated to maintain operational readiness.

The Slavutich, originally part of the Ukrainian Navy, was incorporated into the Russian Black Sea Fleet in 2014 and is pending repairs and modernization.

These vessels are organized into specialized divisions, such as the 518th and 519th separate divisions of special-purpose ships, conducting operations in strategic areas like the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

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